lessons learned


It’s been a busy week here! Between custom orders and new doodles and shop updates and baby fun, I’m learning to juggle many roles, old and new. Tomorrow we throw another into the mix: The Day Job.

If you’d asked me 8 weeks ago how I was feeling about going back to work, I might have thrown the baby at you and said, “I’ll see you at 5!” Now I’m feeling more ambivalent, but I think it will be OK. If parenthood has taught me anything, it’s that plans and expectations are for people without kids.

For example:

  • We planned a drug-free home birth and ended up at the hospital saying “Epidural, please!”
  • I planned to breastfeed exclusively, but milk supply issues nipped that in the bud, so now Ellie is all too familiar with Mr. Bottle and Mrs. Enfamil.
  • I spent most of my pregnancy reading anything and everything about sleep training, fearing I’d never see an eight-hour stretch again, only to discover our daughter is a champion sleeper.
  • I planned to cloth diaper almost exclusively, but my first encounter with formula poop was enough to convince me that $40 for a bulk box of disposables at Sam’s Club is money well spent.
  • I told myself that no baby needs fancy schmancy toys to thrive, so we would not be spending money on the latest and greatest baby swings, bouncers, or playthings… she’d live on love and her imagination. And then I met Mr. Fisher Price and the Precious Planet series.

And the list goes on.

So although I’m feeling a little sad about heading back to the office, I’ve decided to approach it like everything else in my life these days… with no firm expectations whatsoever. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.

back to the real world, baby

smile timeI know it’s been nearly a month since I last posted, but how do you expect me to get anything done with that adorable face looking up at me? She’s just begging to be hugged and cuddled and, in the words of her uncle Julian, spoiled rotten.

But the clock is ticking, and my maternity leave is winding down. I go back to work at the beginning of March. I’m both looking forward to it and not… I know the change of pace will be refreshing, but the time has gone too fast. I feel like I’m just getting to know this amazing little person, and now I’m going to be pulled away from her. It’s so unfair. Thankfully we’re able to leave Ellie in the hands of a dear and trusted friend while we’re at work, and I know she’ll be quite happy and safe. That makes the transition a little easier, at least.

In business news (oh wow, that’s right, I have an Etsy shop!) Calobee Doodles is taking custom orders again! The break was nice, but now I’m itching to get back to work. I already have some new orders in the pipeline, so this is good. I also miss taking photos, but I have a feeling it will be a while before I can focus on a project of that scale… best to start small. Besides, I maintain that any long, uninterrupted stretches of time will be spent exactly as they should be–napping!

happy birthday to mii

snoozin on mamaHappy 26th to me! Hurrah!

Birthday with baby definitely changes things a bit. It’s not as easy to run off to a movie or dinner, or take an impromptu trip to Portland or Bar Harbor… everything has to be planned more thoroughly with Elspeth in tow. Thankfully we have awesome family and friends to help pick up the slack. My parents came to visit last weekend and watched Ellie for a few hours while T & I had an evening out–we saw the new Daniel Craig movie, Defiance. And the lovely Danielle was kind enough to sit for us on Thursday so T & I could have a birthday dinner at Olive Garden and do a little shopping. Both outings were a welcome reprieve from diapers and feedings, but each time I was more than ready to come home and snuggle our baby girl. It’s funny how I miss the freedom and spontaneity, but I wouldn’t trade her for my old life, not for a second.

So what would a birthday be without birthday goodies? First, my wonderful husband took all the baby duties on himself so I could sleep last night (oh, delicious, delicious sleep!)–that was enough of a present in itself, but then he bumped it up a notch by surprising me with a Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit! Yay!! I’ve been eying the system ever since they introduced the fitness component… I’m all for things that make exercise bearable, if not (dare I say it?) fun. We justified the expense by reminding ourselves that a year-long membership to the campus rec center costs about the same, and a new treadmill or elliptical would cost even more (but let’s ignore the fact that I have a perfectly good working treadmill upstairs, ok?). Plus, have you looked outside lately? It’s cold–like, below-zero cold. Icy and snowy and generally not baby-friendly… a brisk walk with the stroller is a great idea in theory, but we’re basically stuck in the house until spring.

So until then, I’m going to get down and dirty with my Mii.

It’s the perfect way to get back on track after almost a year of slacking in the exercise department… and boy, am I in need. Feeding Ellie requires that I have my butt in a chair for most of the day, so I haven’t been all that motivated to get up and move, and over the last couple weeks the sluggishness has taken its toll. When I don’t move, I get cranky, and crankiness can quickly spiral into depression–depression that is only magnified by the intense life change of having a new baby, and my usual vulnerability to these long, cold winter days. It’s not even about weight loss–I just want to feel better and take care of my body. For that reason, my fitness goals are not about shedding pounds or toning muscles–they’ll focus on the fact that I’m moving, period. My aim is to start with at least 20 minutes of Wii Fit time, five days a week, then I’ll bump up the time as I go along. I think it will be fun!

on motherhood: week 3

nyahIf I had one word to describe the last few weeks, it would be “surreal.” It’s 5 a.m. and there’s a baby on my chest, snoozing in her new Snugli carrier. This would be night number 3? 4? where Tim or I is up at some ungodly hour because she’s gassy and fighting sleep.

I didn’t think this would be easy by any stretch of the imagination, but I guess I thought it might be… easier? I suppose I expected I’d feel better suited to the task of motherhood… that after going through pregnancy and birth, I would feel like a Parent-with-a-capital-P.

But to be honest, I still feel like a kid playing house.

Oh, there are good days, of course… days when I’m competent and calm and can handle anything she throws at me. Then there are the days when it seems I can do nothing right, when she will not stop crying no matter how much rocking, soothing, and feeding I do. It’s those times when I feel like the worst parent in the world.

I haven’t quite integrated “mother” into my world view. In short, I can’t believe she’s ours to keep. Any day now I expect the “real” parents to walk through the door and say, “Thanks for taking care of our baby girl for us! We’ll take her now.” (Admittedly, on the nights when I am most hurting for sleep, this is more than just a fleeting thought… it’s a full-fledged fantasy). Then life would go back to normal… just T & I, hanging out, responsible only to ourselves.

On the other hand, if something like that were to actually happen, I know I’d never let anyone take her from me. I’d do anything to keep her safe. The mama bear instincts are definitely there, but they’re taking more time to assimilate than expected. Daughter, sister, wife… mom? It’s like a new pair of shoes that have yet to be broken in… the role fits, but it’s not quite comfortable.

So after 3 weeks, the verdict is: it’s hard sometimes. But then the other day I was holding her, and her eyes locked onto Tim and followed him–it was as if she were truly seeing him and recognizing him for the first time–and then she smiled the most beautiful baby smile I have ever seen. Yeah, it was probably just gas, but it brought tears to my eyes. And those rare, almost heartbreaking moments make these early mornings totally worthwhile.

the birth story

perplexedSorry this is a bit late in coming–we’re still adjusting to the new routine.

Elspeth is just over two weeks old and just as sweet as ever. Her favorite things include eating, sleeping, bath time, making adorable facial expressions, and pontificating (rather loudly) about the relative discomfort of diaper changes.

As for me, I’m trying to master the art of Motherly Multitasking. Basically, do everything you’d normally do except with one addition–try to breastfeed your kid at the same time! Eating, sleeping, and checking e-mail all become complicated endeavors when you add a boob to the mix, but I’m sure I’ll be a pro by the end of January.

So here it is–the long, long birth story. Elspeth did not make her entrance into the world quickly or easily, but then I’ve always been one to do things the hard way… why would my daughter be any different?

Continue reading “the birth story”

breech resolved!

family portraitApparently our daughter is a champion procrastinator… we had a consult with a breech specialist last Monday, but when the doctor examined me, she’d already turned. At some point last weekend she must have flipped around. Hurrah! Thanks everyone for the advice and well-wishes. It looks like the home birth is still a go!

So now we play the waiting game. 12 days (not that I’m counting or anything…) until her estimated due date. Earlier would be just fine with me, though! *hint hint, baby girl*

In the meantime, I doodled this little portrait of our soon-to-be family… aren’t we cute?

this belly has an expiration date

belly, 37 weeksBaby girl is full term… yesterday marked 37 weeks, and let me tell you, I am so ready to meet this kid and have my body back!

Only the last week or so has been truly uncomfortable. My feet look like overstuffed sausages. I walk like a duck. The smallest physical effort–climbing a flight of stairs, for example–requires the focus and concentration of a professional athlete. I’ve never been in particularly great shape, but prior to this I could easily walk a mile or two without feeling the strain or having to stop for breath. Now? The idea of walking any distance greater than a couple car lengths is laughable. My body has never felt so cumbersome and foreign.

We’ve also discovered that our dear daughter is breech, which could throw a wrench into our granola-hippy home birth plans. We’ll know more on Monday. As I’ve told Tim, she’s not even out of the womb yet and she’s already defiant and stubborn… we’re doomed. And I mean that in the most loving, motherly way possible!

All the drama, all the discomfort… is it worth it? Yes. I’m trying to be positive.

But ask me again in another week. 😉

beware the belleh

belly - 23 weeksHello folks!

We’ve been up to our ears in all things baby.  Between sorting through piles of clothes and other assorted goodies (thanks, Sarah!), meetings with a new midwife and childbirth classes, I’m feeling positively maternal. If that wasn’t enough, Murloc Baby has taken up a correspondence course in kickboxing. I’m not sure where she’s learning her new moves, but they’re effective… although it’s a bit unnerving to look down at my lap and see my stomach moving by itself.

Which leads me to… my first belly shot! Yay! I know, I know, I’m light years behind the times and over halfway through this pregnancy, but let’s face it–I had a pretty significant belly to begin with, and until recently it pretty much obscured the more subtle changes. The last couple weeks made for a belly growth spurt, though. My belly button is begging for its life, and I see maternity jeans in my near future. Which reminds me, if you’re a plus-size mom and you have recommendations, please send them my way. I’m clueless when it comes to clothing, and so far the thrift shops and mainstream clothing stores in the area have turned up nothing short of a mumu and an old potato sack.

new glassesOh, and bonus pic: I now have glasses. This probably doesn’t mean much to you, dear Internets, but if you could have seen me in the first five minutes after leaving the optometrist’s with my new prescription, you’d understand the impact. It went something like this:


Tim: “What?!? What!?!”

Me:”That sign! See that sign!?!? I CAN READ IT! It says ‘Welcome back students!’ WOW!”

Tim: “… Uhh… yes, glasses are great like that.”

Me: “OH! And look over there! See that one?!? It says ‘Bennoch Road!’ And there! That guy’s license plate! It says…”

Tim: “… so, uhh, how long are you going to do this?”

Me: “Man! The world… it has edges.”