it’s an… alien!

Alien baby!We had our second ultrasound yesterday, and I’m so proud to present to you, dear Internets, our adorable alien daughter.

Our first ultrasound was done in May, around 7 weeks, and at that time there wasn’t much to see. Our baby was a cashew-shaped blob on the screen (making me wonder if I’d had an affair with Mr. Peanut–it’s hard to resist the monocle) and the only thing that differentiated her from such was a heartbeat. Most cashews don’t have heartbeats. Obviously she’s grown a bit since then… and she actually looks like a baby! Yay!

She’s kicking up a storm in there, too… she skipped the light fluttering stage entirely and went straight to tap-tap-tapping, and those taps are growing stronger every day. The ultrasound showed her kicking and bouncing her little legs up and down. More pictures at Flickr!

My favorite nicknames for the babe so far:

  • Little Boo
  • Ghostie
  • Murloc Baby
  • Alien Baby
  • Thumper

I’ve been satisfying my creative urges by cooking and baking. In fact, I’ve been acting the part of the housewife lately… cleaning, cooking, nesting, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen… it must be the hormones. It’s on these little domestic escapades that I wonder what it would take to fix the sewing machine I bought at the thrift store a while back so I could make something with it. Nevermind that I haven’t used a sewing machine in years, and I’d probably end up sewing my little finger to whatever bundle of fabric and fluff I attempted to patch together… ahem. OK, so maybe I’m not that domestic. It’s likely the coolest thing I’ll ever make with that sewing machine will involve a camera and a pretty girl in a pretty dress. And that’s perfectly OK with me. 🙂

nom, with a side of nom nom

By process of elimination, we’ve determined that baby loves:

Stuffed green olives
Sunflower seeds
Meat, any variety
Cream cheese, or anything onto which you can put cream cheese, or anything into which cream cheese goes (cheesecake being the primary suspect). This one may just be mum wanting an excuse to sit down with a spoon and have it out with a package of Philly. The temptation is strong and the will is so very weak.

And baby does not so much care for:

Chinese food
Chocolate in candy form (Ice cream, however, is acceptable.) If it weren’t a physical impossibility given the situation, I’d consider a maternity test.

All bets are off as to what this kid will make me eat. Prior to this, I’d never much cared for meat, save for the occasional burger, but now… well, let’s just say last weekend I tore into a barbeque chicken drumstick like it was the last piece of chicken on earth and I hadn’t eaten for six weeks. It was messy and heavenly in a deliciously barbaric way, that drumstick.

Despite the fact that baby seems to have inherited my love of ice cream (has anyone found the “ice cream” gene yet? I swear, it’s there… check over by the “big ass” gene), I’ve only gained half a pound, which I’m told is good for someone my size. I don’t have much baby belly to speak of yet, although something tells me it’s growing, because I can’t suck it in like I used to. But I’m pretty sure the majority of my belly is still good old-fashioned food-baby belly… no help from the ice cream, of course.

I’m also taking two different yoga classes starting this week… I had my first beginner’s course today, and I’ll start pre-natal yoga next Wednesday. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I am not the only fat girl in the beginner’s course, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one who thinks Downward Facing Dog is the pose of the devil. “Hello, heartburn! Hadn’t seen you in a while! Wonder why I can still taste my breakfast? Hmm, could have something to do with all this butt-in-the-air business….”

I can’t honestly say I have an opinion of yoga yet, given my limited experience includes today’s class and a semester-long course I basically slept through in high school. So far the running theme seems to be learning to get comfortable in semi-unnatural positions. Oh, and breathing–lots of breathing–although I still don’t quite get that part, as during most of today’s class I found myself thinking, “Wait, you mean I’m supposed to be able to breathe in this position?!? Eurgh!” *cue collapse onto yoga mat*

I kid, I kid. The class was a lot of fun, and the instructor is very aware of different body types and how one can modify certain positions such that they get the benefit of a yoga workout without the back strain. All in all, I felt surprisingly comfortable–or at least as comfortable as one can be while stretching, bending, flexing, and pointing one’s arse skyward.

So yes, other than the icky humid weather, this summer is shaping up nicely. I’ve been on hiatus from photography stuff, at least until I work up the energy to attempt another shoot–although I have a fun idea in mind, and Danielle has offered to help me, so that may happen sooner rather than later. To be honest, I welcome the down time… I appreciate it more now, knowing the hard work that’s coming up. At the end of the day, one full-time job is enough, and I just want to relax while I still can.

the super-awesome project

Yay!I can’t keep this secret any longer, dear Internets. Here goes:

My new super-awesome project is not so much my project as it is a collaboration between Mr. Tim and myself. And it’s not so much a project as it is a lifetime commitment.

It’s the reason I can barf up the spaghetti I had for lunch and not three seconds later think, “Ooh, I want a Rice Krispies treat,” or, “I could really go for something deep fat fried and smothered in cheese.” It’s the reason I’ve totally neglected this blog over the last few weeks, because I don’t want to do anything but sleep.

Yes, it’s that kind of project… one of the baby-makin’ variety. It’s exhausting, overwhelming, and all-consuming… it goes without saying that T & I are thrilled, scared, and all other manner of emotions typically associated with new parents-to-be.

Without going into detail about my medical history, I didn’t think I could conceive, so obviously this was a huge surprise. I woke up a few weeks ago feeling sick, and a little voice in the back of my head said, “maybe you should take a test….” So I did, and when the results came up, I didn’t believe it. I believe my exact words to my husband were, “Umm, WHY ARE THERE TWO LINES HERE?” Being the wonderful man that he is, he just grinned. A second test proved the first one correct, and it took a trip to my doctor and a third test to convince me that I was, indeed, pregnant.

Holy shit.

The last few weeks have been a fog of morning sickness, exhaustion, and elation. These days, my typical train of thought looks something like this: BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY HOLY SHIT BABY.

I was going to wait to say anything here until I had a better ultrasound picture, but I just couldn’t wait, so you’ll have to look at the pee stick instead. I’m due December 26th… 11 weeks along and counting!