2019 in pictures

Looking back, I honestly thought I did more drawing this year. 😅I suppose I did; this is only the stuff I finished and/or published. The rest was practice.

Probably the most significant change was upping my pen-to-paper (or more accurately, Apple-Pencil-to-iPad) game. Before this year, everything I drew was a vector illustration. I also got into lettering a bit.

random unfinished things

Oh hello! I’m back from the autumn abyss. I’ve been drawing, but not as consistently as I’d like, and I’m having a heck of a time finishing anything. It’s all good. I’ll share a bunch of the half-finished stuff here.

I’m trying to spend more time outside, since the weather is turning cold fast this year, and I want to soak up as much of the pretty fall scenery as I can before the snow flies.

I’ve also been sucked into past seasons of The Great British Bake Off, which is the perfect show for curling up on the couch with my iPad while I doodle. It’s also perfect for making me want ALL THE PIES.

And if you’ve made it this far…

repetition and failure

I have a tendency to overthink when it comes to making art. I like to believe, as a left-brained creature of habit, that I can rationalize my way to successful creative outcomes, but it doesn’t work that way.

Regular meditation has helped me to understand that the creative spark is always present, but I have to show up and do the thing. Waiting for the muse to strike is just procrastination. True creation is about repetition and failure, and the latter rubs my logical brain the wrong way.

So I’m sharing everything–even the failures–to remind myself that creativity doesn’t happen out of thought, it happens out of action.