she planted her best friend

she planted her best friendI know I’ve been remiss in my blogging duties–things are finally slowing down a bit, though, so I don’t have as much to write about! I’ve finished the last of the custom work I had to do this weekend, so I spent a little time in Illustrator working on something for myself. We’re visiting my folks for the weekend, and it’s quite snowy up here, so I needed a quick reminder that spring really is just around the corner and not just a cruel, torturous figment of my imagination.

I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to plant flowers and watch them grow!


  1. I love the illustration and feel the same way.
    We are starting to get better weather now and I keep looking for flowers to come far nothing, but I know it will happen soon..

  2. I live close to South Eastern Virginia and the weather is a roller coaster ride! I think it was 70 degrees Thursday or Friday and today it is rainy and in the lower 50’s! By the way, thanks for your comment on my blog. The camera I purchased is a Pentax Optio E40. I haven’t played with it much yet though…

  3. Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?

    Well your illustration put a smile on my face and makes me look forward to the task on hand for today. I have 12 bags of mulch to distribute in my front garden. πŸ™‚

  4. I keep reading other people’s blogs where they talk about gardening. It’s making me really jealous and sad! My first Maine mud season is bogging me down…

    Tell me wise and experienced fellow Mainer, will it snow again, or is spring coming (like now, for example?)


  5. that illustration is adorable! The plants on the back patio that I have avoided watering all winter miraculously sprouted some orange flowers a few days back. I like industrious flowers the best πŸ™‚

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