because you just know i’ve always wanted to use “chunky bits” in a sentence.

I think I need to go back to bed.  This crappy April weather fried my brain.

Case in point:  I forgot my work laptop’s power adapter at home.  This being the power adapter for the laptop that randomly shuts itself off if it’s not always plugged in, and has been known to tell me there are four hours of battery life left where there are really only three minutes.  (Thankfully I have a wonderful significant other who drove the fifteen miles back home to grab the power adapter for me, because he’s nice like that.  I love him.  Have I mentioned that?  LOVE him.)

Second case in point:  It’s 11:00 a.m. and I’m already starving.  I decide to heat up my soup for lunch.  I do this, and get it back to my desk, ready to dig in… and realize I don’ t have a spoon.  Anywhere.  The office kitchen does not have a spoon – only knives and forks.  So I am here at my desk, slurping my soup as quietly as possible, and hoping that my coworkers won’t notice my tomato soup mustache, or how carefully I’m eating the chunky bits with a fork.

Third case in point:  Starting tonight, we’re watching our landlady’s cats for a few days while she and her husband visit family out of state.  Yesterday evening I got into bed, all ready to sleep, and realized I couldn’t remember her cats’ names.  At all.  And as I racked my sleep-deprived brain for possible clues (because I knew I wasn’t going to sleep until I could remember) the only things I came up with were the names of Teletubbies.

Teletubbies.  What.  The.  Fuck?

And then I started second-guessing myself on their feeding schedule, too – was it one tablespoon morning and night, or two?  Two tablespoons each, or just two, total?  Shit.

Let’s hope she left a note, or she might come back to extraordinarily fat and/or skinny cats that only answer to Tinky Winky and Po.

Fourth case in point:  I was telling the S.O. about the third point last night when we somehow got on the subject of “alternative ways” to dry a wet cat.  Don’t ask.

Him:  You could always hang them up by the scruffs of their necks to dry.

Me:  What, like on a clothesline?

Him:  Yeah.

Me:  That’s animal cruelty!

Me:  … I mean, it’s so much faster to use the dryer.

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cowabunga, and so forth.

Holy moly, where have I been?  Lost in my own head somewhere.  But I’m popping out of my narcissistic stupor for a moment to say, “Hello, Internets!”  And because I know you missed me, it’s time for another edition of…

What is Caro thinking right now?

  • I found the perfect underwear.  They’re simple, they’re comfortable, and they’re the granny-panties of my dreams.  Every time I put them on, I feel like my butt is getting a big, soft, warm hug.  I mean, wouldn’t you hug your butt if it was physically possible?  Sure you would.
  • I celebrated a birthday somewhere toward the end of January, and I spent most of it moping.  However, I did remember to treat myself to an online shopping spree of epic proportions.  And then I celebrated by slathering myself with Philosophy’s Vanilla Birthday Cake and Buttercream Frosting body washes.  My shower smells like a bakery, which helps me forget about the fact that I have too much gray hair for a 24-year-old, and that I still can’t wash away that unsightly bathtub ring.
  • Bonus points if you got the TMNT reference in that last sentence.
  • A certain popular video game expansion pack that was released a couple weeks ago has given me a reason to live play WoW again.  Sheara will get to level 70 if only because she needs a flying mount to be able to fish the highland lakes in Terokkar Forest.  No, really.  Raiding?  What?  I pay 15 bucks a month to fish!  Level 66 and counting.
  • All hail the mighty Tax Refund!
  • Three letters:  Dee Vee Arrrrrr.  That’s right.  The S.O. and I finally joined the 21st century and signed up for digital cable, complete with DVR.  When he was little, my brother the bird bladder (sorry J!) would sit down with the rest of the family to watch TV, and five minutes into the show he’d say, “Mum, pause it, I need to go to the bathroom.”  My mother would respond with, “You can’t pause television, silly.”  Now, eighteen years later, my bro’s bird bladder dreams have been realized.  Who’s the silly one now, huh!?!  HUH?!?!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in the living room, obsessively pausing and rewinding 24.  Just because I can.

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Because the Facebook is always good for a giggle!  I should log in more often.  Look what I found in my messages this morning:

From: Caroline Moore <—– The impostor, location blacked out to protect the innocent… err… idiot.

To: Caroline Moore <—– Me, the real one.



In my defense, I don’t recall having ever sotle (or is it sotled?) anything in my entire life.  And apparently the other Caroline Moore is Irish – she got me bleepin’ name, and me Lucky Charms, too!

Just in case there was any confusion, I’m the Caroline Moore who can spell, even when I’m drunk.

Move along, move along, nothing to see here.

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romance 101 or how to shut me up

It’s a mild November evening, and we’re in the car, on our way home from work.  We’re having this wonderfully engaging discussion.  I’m really into it.  I love that after six years together, we can still find new things to talk about.

You pause for a moment and look at me, with a fondness in your eyes that is usually reserved for certain intimate bedroom moments.  It’s the smile of a man who’s looking at the woman he loves, and he knows it, and he wants to tell her.  And I’m ready to listen.

“You know…” you say, comfortably, reaching across the gear shift to take my hand, as you’ve done so many times before.  Your palm is warm, familiar, reassuring.  I smile, waiting, knowing that you’re trying to find just the right words.  And you always do.

“You know… I really don’t mind that you talk so much.”

I love you, too, baby.  I love you, too.

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Confession time:  I am not perfect.  Yes, yes, I know it comes as a shock, but just ask any of my friends, or better yet, the S.O.  I’m flawed.  I have my moments… moments in which I truly believe the only cure for my behavior involves a straight jacket and a padded cell.  What keeps me going is that those moments are, thankfully, few and far between, and in hindsight, some of them are quite amusing.

Last night was one of those times.  For reasons the Internet doesn’t really need to know about, it’s been one of “those weeks.”  Suffice it to say, sometimes things pile up.  The holiday season is good for that, after all!

So, by Sunday evening I am in a state.  Frustrated, tired, stressed, etc.  The S.O. and I decide that it’s time for bed.  But when we get up to bed, we have (*cue dramatic music*) an Argument.  What the argument was about, I can’t say, not for privacy reasons but because I honestly can’t remember what it was we were arguing about in the first place.  For the sake of filling space, let’s call it cat food.  We had an argument about cat food, which left me fuming and, of course, not talking to him.

Now, I can’t sleep when I’m angry, but the S.O. has the ability to just forget everything, shut off, and go to sleep no matter the circumstances.  It’s pretty amazing, really, that he can do this… and boy, nothing pisses me off more when he does!  So when I sense that the S.O. has fallen asleep, I’m even more aggravated, and I want to put some space between us.

I’ll go downstairs!  Harrumph!  Because my sleeping on the uncomfortable couch with the ultra-thin afghan will totally show him I mean business!

I drag my pillow and afghan downstairs, get myself all set up on the couch, but – guess what – I’m still pissed.  And when I hear the S.O. start to snore… I get really pissed.  I mean, how DARE he ask me to compromise my principles on cat food, and how DARE he sleep when I’m so angry?  The nerve!  So I do one of those things that probably qualifies me for the padded cell, at least for the limited destruction factor…

I throw a glass candle holder at the wall.

The candle holder actually wasn’t my first victim of the evening.  At first, I threw the TV remote, but it only bounced to the ground.  No muss, no fuss, no fun!  I also threw a blanket, but you can imagine how unsatisfying that was.  Here you are, raging mad and ready to crack skulls, and the blanket flies in the air for all of a foot and a half, landing at your feet with a pathetic *whoosh*.

That’s right, fear me.  Just call me the Blanket-Flinger.

No, I wanted something with a bit more punch, and unfortunately the little glass candle holder was in my line of vision.  As I was rearing back to throw it, I had a momentary fear that it would bounce, too, or worse… that I’d miss the wall.  I have a really pathetic throwing arm and no sense of aim.  But thankfully, the candle holder did, indeed, hit its intended target, and made this wonderfully satisfying crunching sound as it shattered into pieces all over the floor.

Huzzah!  Take that, anger demons!  The power of broken glass compels you!

Or… not so much.  Because even though the candle holder sounded pretty good going down (it was loud enough to wake the S.O.) I still felt pretty rotten.  On top of being frustrated, angry, stressed, and tired, I’d also destroyed something I kinda liked, and now I was left with a mess to clean up.  Good going there, champ.

So I slam my way into the kitchen to get the broom, tossing aside half-unpacked boxes of Christmas decorations like they were so much fluff… the kitchen looks like a small-scale rendition of Godzilla, if Godzilla were a woman on her period.  Rarrr!  Rarrrrrrrrrrr!  Destruction!  Rarrrrr!

At this point I also decide I need to take down the Christmas lights.  You know, the Christmas lights I spent all day untangling, testing, adjusting, re-adjusting, repairing, replacing, putting up, etc.  I spent all. flipping. day. on this project.  But the lights all have to come down now, because I am She-zilla, and hell hath no fury, etc.  So, I rip all the lights off the windows, and I’m slowly losing the battle to get them off the staircase banister (boy, I really wired those suckers on there!) when the S.O. comes down the stairs.

He looks confused, to put it mildly.  And no wonder!  Because at that point, I realize what I must look like.  I am butt naked (yes, you read that correctly), yanking with all my might on a string of Christmas lights that’s solidly attached to the banister, and I’m pretty sure said banister is threatening to give way.  I can only imagine that the look in my eyes is that of a crazy person, and I wouldn’t be far from the truth.

But that’s not the best part.  Not by far.

At that moment, the S.O., who has been watching me quietly all the time I’m struggling with the stupid lights, speaks up.

He says, in the most sincere, confused voice I’ve ever heard, and I quote:

“Are you mad at me?”

I’m pretty sure my brain short-circuited, because I stopped mid-tug, turned around, and went back to the couch, where I sat down, and stared blankly at the wall.  The S.O. heads back upstairs, and I decide it’s time to do a quick mental recap of the evening so far.

Busted glass?  Check.  Boxes overturned?  Check.  Doors slammed?  Check.  Christmas lights flung all over the place?  Check.

So… he can’t be serious.  He didn’t just ask me that, did he?  I mean… all this breaking stuff and slamming things around… didn’t I make it clear?

And, wait a minute… what was I angry about again?

At this point, I come to the realization that being angry is exhausting work, and I’m tired.  What I really want is a hug, and a kiss, and to be told everything will be OK in the morning.

No really.  That’s all.  This, “Well, Duh!” Moment brought to you by the letters ‘F’ and ‘U’.

Feeling properly humbled and about twenty kinds of stupid, I slowly climb the stairs.  I get into bed.  And the S.O. is more than happy to hug me and kiss me and tell me everything will be OK, because that’s the kind of guy he is.

You know.  Good at humoring the crazy person.  That kind.

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honesty is overrated.

MMS is Monday Morning Syndrome, which is what I jokingly told the IT guy I had when he had to ask me three times to correct a link on particular University Web site before I got it right.  “Yeah, sorry for the delay, I have Monday Morning Syndrome.”  Hah-hah-hah.

But it’s a real disorder.  Seriously.  A couple hours later I went to the restroom and happened to look in the mirror, and that’s when I realized I’d put my shirt on inside out when I got dressed this morning.  Three hours of walking around the office with the tag hanging off the back and all the seams sticking out.

I don’t drink coffee, but it’s times like this that make me think I should.  What makes me a true geek is, the inside-out shirt incident actually made me think to check my underwear while I was there, because I have a terrible habit of putting on my underwear inside-out and/or backwards.

Just call me “spatially challenged.”  It’s a bit more politically-correct than “special.”

Anyway, you can see what kind of day it’s been so far.  My personal theory on Monday is, the quality of your Monday is inversely proportional to the comparative quality of the prior weekend.  (Unless, of course, it’s one of those beloved national-holiday-observed-days, in which case we get to skip the Monday gloom entirely and go straight to Tuesday.  Thinking about it that way, I wouldn’t mind if we declared EVERY Monday a national holiday from here on out, but then I suppose we’d eventually run into TMS, or Tuesday Morning Syndrome, which would usurp MMS and make the whole point moot.  But let it be known that I am all in favor of three day weekends across the board!)

Anyway, my point is, this is not one of my better Mondays ONLY because I have the luxury of saying I had a good weekend.  Look at me, putting a positive spin on things!  This is totally unnatural, and as backwards as my underwear!

One of the things I’ve promised myself–after making the decision to work full-time, and after all those days spent trapped on the couch–is not to let my weekends go to waste. I have precious few days during the week where I can just do whatever the hell I want, and I’m finding that what I want is to get away from the computer periodically and get out of the house.  Amazing, no?

Keeping that in mind, the S.O. and I have started a new tradition of going out to breakfast on Saturday mornings.   This Saturday we chose Governor’s – one of those local, hokey, family-friendly places that serves a breakfast menu all day (because by “going out to breakfast” I really mean “going out to breakfast at noon, or whenever I decide to haul my lazy arse out of bed”) and generally has good service and cheap food.

This time, however, we got stuck with a waitress who might have had a touch of ADD.  She was nice enough, but she kept interrupting us when we’d try to ask for something (one of those, “I already know what you want so I’m just going to blurt it out before you’ve finished speaking” people), talking too fast, throwing items down on the table as she rushed by, never quite looked you in the eye because she was watching her other tables, etc.  We’ve had better service, we’ve had worse, and having worked a brief stint as a waitress the summer before I started college, I’m pretty sympathetic to the profession.  It wasn’t the kind of thing I was going to make a big deal about (especially not in a place like the Gov’s, where her best tip is probably a five), but her lack of finesse was noticable.

When our meal was finished, she made the mistake of giving the S.O. and myself a comment card, and, because I’ve been brainwashed to “fill in all the little circles, completely, with a number two pencil” (many thanks to Mrs. Ivey, and all those second-grade aptitude tests), I made the mistake of filling it out.  And when I got to the part about  “Please rate the friendliness of the waitstaff:  Exceeded Expectations, Met Expectations, or Did Not Meet Expectations”, well, I didn’t really think about the answer too much, because I’m a bonehead.  By process of elimination, I circled “Did Not Meet Expectations.”

… not really thinking the the waitress would come back to the table as we were getting ready to leave, pick up the comment card, blatantly look at it, and then, without pause, in front of everyone else in the restaurant and in the LOUDEST VOICE POSSIBLE, glare at me and say, “OH, I’M SORRY I WASN’T FRIENDLY ENOUGH FOR YOU!!”

… making me think I’ve mistakenly walked into an episode of Seinfeld.  I’m thinking, Are you kidding me?  I’m getting called out on a comment card?  Now you’ve proven that you have no tact, and I’m forced to reference a television show I don’t even like.  Lordy!

The S.O. and I ducked out rather quickly after that, me feeling partly like she was way out of line to do that, and (let’s be honest) partly like a bitch.  Because it’s not like I intended to hurt someone’s feelings that morning, and in hindsight, maybe I didn’t give her enough credit.  Maybe she was having a case of delayed MMS.

Of course, after I’d gotten over the initial shock, my next words to the S.O. were —

This is so going in my blog.

Thankfully the rest of the weekend was normal-ish, and fun, and relaxing, and not at all like an episode of Seinfeld, for which I am very grateful.

Now, where is Tuesday when I need it?

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