she shells she shells

Thinking summer thoughts! We have a busy few weeks ahead; I have a couple blocks of vacation time in July and August, the kids have camps, and there are road trips semi-planned.

I am plodding my way through art-making and working a lot in Procreate, because it’s relatively low effort, and I am tired. My iron levels have not improved from where they landed after the infusions, so I’m still anemic. Work + regular exercise + time with family + the occasional household chore is about all I have the energy for before I crash on the couch for the day, so doodling on my phone is a solid compromise. Although Tim just got a new iPad with an Apple Pencil, and I might have a little bit of tech envy…just think of the lettering possibilities!


  1. @wendelah1 Not really. :-/ My other blood work is fine and I don’t have symptoms to indicate a more serious problem. Low iron runs in my family so I wonder if it’s hereditary. Thank you for the well wishes!

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