Two weeks

Random X-Files artwork; oh, nostalgia!
Random X-Files artwork; oh, nostalgia!

In a radical change of pace, I’m taking two weeks off; my vacation started on Monday. It doesn’t sound like a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, because it’s not, but this is the first time I’ve taken more than ten consecutive days since college (not counting maternity leaves).

We’re not planning to travel, and Tim is still working, so I’m using the extra time to draw, write, hang out with the kids, and just generally do whatever I want. I know the time off is good for me, but it feels almost decadent. It’s also really hard to be away from work — to the point where I’ve had to create a new user account on my computer to avoid getting distracted by email and Slack — which I suppose is a good sign.

In typical me fashion, I’m distracting myself by making a to-do list, which is a very wrong or very right way to spend my time off, depending on how you look at it.

  • Day trip to Fredericton
  • Go see Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Date night
  • Finish MaddAddam
  • Get my third book to 60k words
  • Finish 2 1 more short fic draft
  • Write five blog posts
  • Finish Hannibal season 2
  • Draw things! Lots of things!
  • Walks

This week, I’m having way too much fun designing X-Files fan art posters, and working on my fics, and just generally being creative. Vacation doesn’t look much different from my regular work day, but the type of work I’m doing is different. It’s a welcome, self-enforced artistic retreat.