fanfic is forever


Fanfic keeps our favorite characters and worlds alive long after the series/book/movie ends. I speak from experience, being in love with a television show that has “ended” multiple times over.

I do love playing with type and different illustrated type styles; it’s something I’d like to get better (and faster) at.

Oh right, the writing thing…

Remember how I was going to write every day for the next 30 days? How’s that going? you might ask.

Thanks for asking, you! Here’s how it’s going:

I started this project on November 3rd, and so far I have 10 documents in a Scrivener project, ranging anywhere from a thousand words to a single sentence, which puts me about a week behind; apparently dwelling on politics and traveling across time zones is hazardous to good habits.

But I’m back at it! I’ll plan to write until I’ve created at least 20 more pages in this project. So far I have a few paragraphs of random crap and a few scenes from what could be a short story. It’s progress, and the built-in escapism that comes along with writing is a happy bonus. I need all the escapism I can get right now!